Saturday, August 25, 2012

Doula, Doctors, & Back to Work

August 25, 2012

I started back to work this week, and it was tough! I had several trainings to attend, and I also had to prepare my classroom and lessons for next week. I can't believe summer is over and school is here already! I have my classroom prepared, but I am still working on lesson plans through the weekend. It's a lot of work to prepare power points and notes for each lesson, but I know that's one of the best ways to get and keep my students' attention since I can add in graphics and videos.

Even while the chaos of "back to school" is going on, I am also still dealing with all the planning that goes into a pregnancy. All of this combined makes for one tired momma-to-be. Lately I've been having some very strange sensations happening in my body. It's difficult to describe, but I will do my best. First, every once in awhile, my heart will start racing for no apparent reason. When it does this, I can actually feel my heartbeat up in my throat. It also makes me become out of breath very quickly and easily. In addition to the increases in my heart rate, I also have periodic spells of dizziness. I can't describe how funny it makes my head feel. I've monitored my blood pressure at home on a digital blood pressure machine, and it has ran quite low throughout my whole pregnancy. Many times it is not surprising to see it run 85/58 or something in that neighborhood. I'm sure this contributes to my tiredness and dizziness. I've also caught my heart rate on the same machine when it was racing-it was a little over 100 bpm. I called my doctor about these symptoms, and they referred me to a cardiologist. I'm sure they are just doing it for precautionary reasons, but my logic is that these symptoms are likely a side-effect of hormones. I rarely have anything go as "normal". They scheduled my appointment for August 31 (next Friday). I was pretty embarrassed to have to ask for a sub on the first week of school, but my health and this pregnancy trumps just about anything else right now. I also have to take off work the following week (September 6) for an OB appointment. Oh well.

On Thursday of last week, mom and I drove to Wichita Falls to meet with a doula. Justin was supposed to attend the meeting, but he had to go out of town again for work. For those of you who are curious, a doula is a woman who is certified and trained in childbirth. She supports the mother and father emotionally and physically. She provides information and support to the parents before, during, and after birth. I decided to hire a doula because I am planning to have an unmedicated birth in a hospital. I made this decision based on a lot of research about epidurals and pain medication. Basically I've found that an epidural can slow your labor or even stop it because you become so relaxed. This often prompts a doctor to then give pitocin (more medicine to make contractions stronger). The pitocin may or may not help with starting your labor again and can often lead to a C-Section if the doctor feels that you aren't making enough progress. Also, epidurals are known for dropping your heart rate as well as the baby's. This almost always leads to a C-Section because the baby becomes distressed. I'd rather avoid a C-Section at all costs. It increases your recovery time, and many doctors then refuse to do a VBAC (Vaginal Birth after Cesarean) because it can be dangerous. In addition to leading to C-Sections, epidurals and pain medication also affect the baby. It can make them loopy/drowsy and less likely to latch on for breastfeeding. They can be dangerous to both mom and baby. My philosophy and belief is that a woman's body is intended to give birth and knows how to do it. God designed our bodies to do this. I don't need or want intervention unless my baby is in danger. At that time, I would obviously do anything to make sure he/she is healthy. Yes, I know that it will be painful. And I'm sure there will be points in my labor that I question my decision; but with the help of my doula and family, I know I can do it.

Anyway, we met with my doula, and my mom and I both really liked her. She seems very educated on the subject, and our personalities went very well together. She will be on call from two weeks before my due date until I give birth. Basically when I go into labor, I will call her to describe what I'm experiencing. She will be able to tell how far along I am in the process and give advice over the phone. When she believes I'm in active labor, she will drive to Seymour to meet with us in our home. She will allow me to labor at home as long as I feel comfortable (I've decided I will probably only labor at home until about 4-5 centimeters). We will then drive to Wichita Falls to be admitted into the hospital. There I only intend to monitor the baby's heartbeat to ensure their health. I don't wish to be hooked up to any IV's so that I can move around more easily. (Laboring in bed is one of the worst ways to labor.) My doula will be there to help Justin know how to help me alleviate pain. She will also give me advice about what doctors and nurses are telling me. She will be there to encourage me when I become weak, and she will do her best to help me avoid deviating from my birth plan. She does NOT tell me I can't have an epidural or a C-Section. She will support me if that is something I decide I need to do.

After we make it through birth, my doula will stay long enough to help get my baby latched on for breastfeeding, make sure Justin & I are taken care of (food, drinks, etc...), and to make sure we are all comfortable. She will then leave and allow us to have our family bonding time. She will make one post-partum visit at my house to check on baby and me. She will give resources for additional breastfeeding support if needed. She also gives us a copy of our birth story that she puts together for us.

I'm excited about the weeks and months to come. I'm ready to get past the next few doctor's appointments and to see that everything is still going OK. I'm hoping the first few weeks of school will fly by and I will get used to being back in a routine!

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