Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Trigger Time

June 19, 2012

This morning I got up for yet another doctor's appointment in Bedford. At least this time I did not have to make a 3 hour drive there and a 3 hour drive back home. It was shortened to about 30-45 minutes instead. They did my lab work first then took me straight back to have another sonogram. Today one of my larger follicles was measuring in at around 18-19mm. The nurse informed me that I would be ready to trigger tonight pending my lab results.

They gave me instructions on how to give the trigger injection, what other medications I needed to begin with the trigger (a steroid and an antibiotic), what medications to discontinue (the Lupron, Bravelle, and Menopur), what to expect the day of retrieval, what medications to begin after retrieval (Endometrin and Estrace), and what to expect on the day of transfer. Yes, there is a LOT of information to keep up with on a daily basis. Sometimes it can be quite exhausting, but I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

I went back to Katie's and kept myself occupied by cleaning her house and cooking supper for us. I decided it was the least I could do for her since she was providing me with a convenient place to stay during this process.

The doctor's office called this afternoon to inform me that my estradiol level had risen to an excess of 3900. I'm definitely ready for the trigger tonight, as they don't really like your estradiol level to exceed 4000 because you are at risk for developing a condition called OHSS (Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome). It is a serious condition that can cause hospitalization or even death.

Even later this afternoon, Dr. Kathleen called me to tell me how sorry she was that she was not going to be able to do my egg retrieval and to assure me that I was in good hands because she had handed my case over to her husband. I really respected that she took the time to call me and talk to me and to encourage me about my upcoming treatments. This is one of the many reasons that I know I'm in the right place.

This evening I gave myself the full dose of Pregnyl (10,000 IU) to trigger ovulation. I also began taking  Prednisone and the antibiotic. I go back in tomorrow morning to have an HCG blood test to make sure the trigger worked. That means we will be having the retrieval on Thursday, June 21.

So excited!

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