Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Visiting with a Friend

June 18, 2012

Today I went back to Bedford with a suitcase, air mattress, and high hopes for the week. I had another E2 blood test today and a sonogram. The sonogram showed that my follicles were still increasing as they should. My largest one is about 17mm, and they said they can grow up to 2 mm a day. That means I will most likely trigger ovulation tomorrow. Also at this appointment, the nurse mixed my trigger medication (Pregnyl) so that it would be ready when we needed it.

After the appointment, I drove to Lake Dallas to stay with Katie. We decided to go eat lunch at McAlister's and to go see a movie. We watched "Rock of Ages", and it wasn't exactly what we were expecting. It was a musical, and it wasn't all that great. During the movie, the doctor's office called with my E2 results. My numbers had grown to the 1900s. They advised me to come back the following morning for more labs and another sonogram to see if I was ready for the trigger. I was also advised to take 10 units of Lupron, 2 vials of Menopur, and 1/2 a vial of Bravelle tonight.

After the movie, Katie and I decided to have supper at El Guapos in Denton. We visited and caught up with each others' lives and then got to bed at a decent hour since she had to work the next morning and I had another appointment.

Getting Closer!

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